Monday, February 09, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook for February 9

These writing prompts are available from Simple Woman's Daybook where each Monday we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

FOR TODAY February 9, 2009 . . .

Outside my window...
The days are getting longer as we get into the last few months of winter.

I am thinking...
I really need to update my blog look. It's been years. So why do I hesitate? Because it has never gone smoothly in the past and I have no expectation of a blog update going smoothly in the future. Still, it needs to be done.

I am thankful for...
Clear roads and no new snowstorms in the forecast. We've been having daytime temperatures above freezing since last Friday and they're forecast to continue through the entire week.

A much welcome break before the rest of winter commences.

From the kitchen...
My stomach is regaining strength after being upset. I'm finding honey on a toasted bagel to be soothing and satisfying.

I am wearing...
Brown corduroys, a green store bought embroidered sweater top, hand knit socks, and black New Balance walking shoes. Ready to take Sunny to doggy school this evening.

I am creating... A pair of socks to match Mom's vest which is done but not washed and blocked yet.

I am going...
To doggy school with Sunny this evening. After we get home I plan to sit and knit for a few hours before going to bed.

I am reading...
Knit Two
by Kate Jacobs. An OK book, but I'm not loving it. In fact it's been several days since I set it down unfinished. I do plan to finish it, but without enthusiasm. I'm just not in the mood to appreciate the people in this book.

I am hoping...
To find some reasonable air fares for an April trip to Idaho.

I am hearing...
Dogs happily crunching their food. They just got fed.

Around the house...
Things are messier than usual. The vacuum needs to be run and the laundry is almost ready to overflow the hamper.

Why did I think I would be on top of all these chores when I retired? If anything, I let things go even more now because 1) I'm older and care less and 2) There's always tomorrow.

One of my favorite things...
The Cardinal, not the snow.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Doggy school tonight and Thursday. Grocery shopping and errands on Wednesday with a trumpet lesson in the evening.

Friday I'm having lunch with a friend in Kalamazoo. We used to work together and both lost our jobs when Pharmacia was acquired by Pfizer. It was her idea that we set a day each month to meet for lunch and we've kept the monthly date for five years now.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Snow is beautiful in moderation.

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