Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Canine Complaints

Although I resolved not to whine about winter weather in January, the dogs have not joined me in that resolution. I'm hearing many canine complaints about deep snow and sub-zero temperatures.

From Glory, a 13 year old lab mix:

See my gray hair? I'm old. From now on I want to spend the winter in Florida. Arrange it please.

From Sunny, a 7 year old 14 pound Papillon mix:

It took me a long time to get this laundry arranged just right. I am not going out with you. The only thing I'm getting up for is food, and it better be good.

From Pappy, a 10 year old 14 pound Papillon:

There's some sun shining in the window but it's still awful outside. How's a fellow suppose to chase rodents when the snow is over his head?

I can't even take a nice walk in the paths mom made because my little feet freeze. Then mom has to carry me back to the house. How humiliating. Hope the rodents aren't watching.

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