Monday, November 24, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

These writing prompts are available every Monday from Simple Woman's Daybook where we're invited to join in celebrating the beauty of everyday moments around us.

I doubt I'll do this every week, but it seems like just the right touch to start off the week of Thanksgiving.

FOR TODAY November 23, 2008...
Outside my window... A dreary, gray winter day with wet snow falling from the sky. I'm thankful for my warm house.

I am thinking... How quickly the summer and autumn flashed by, how quickly the years are flashing by, and how I'd like to do something worthwhile with the rest of my life.

I am thankful for... The new church I started attending a few months ago. It was an unexpected change and feels so right.

From the kitchen... Today I'll be making Green Dream. I've been making Green Dream for over thirty years. I guess it's a family tradition. It's the perfect holiday side dish for adding a slightly tangy accent with roast turkey. Wonderful to eat with cold turkey leftovers.

I am wearing... Gray sweatpants and a gray sweatshirt with an Arlo and Janis comic on the front. Arlo is saying, "The older I get the less I enjoy the coming of fall. It's something to do with the passing of time. Year round time passes at the same speed, but in the fall it sticks its arm out the window and flips you off."

I am creating... Something in my subconscious to make with the prize mohair while knitting away on the almost mindless February Lady Sweater.

I am going... to get up and take the dogs for a walk in a few minutes.

I am reading... Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality.

I am hoping... The roads are not slippery for the next few days. There are places I need and/or want to go.

I am hearing... Terence Blanchard's Tale of God's Will. This is the best CD I've ever experienced in my whole life. I can't play it without wanting to start over from the beginning and play it again.

Although written as a "Requiem for Katrina", it's much more than that. It's the story of the human condition put to music. And the trumpet playing is awesome.

Around the house... We are staying cozy and warm while wintry things happen outdoors.

One of my favorite things... Is sitting here at my laptop communicating with family and friends with one little dog curling up on my right and another little dog curled up on my left.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow I'm headed for Kalamazoo to help Mom figure out how to use her DVD player and then go out to lunch at the Main Street Grill. Wednesday evening is trumpet lesson in Kalamazoo, and Thursday, of course, is Thanksgiving. We're having the simplest of Thanksgivings this year, but I do have a small turkey to roast for just the two of us and many things to be thankful for.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Last week's view outside the window directly in front of the loveseat where I sit with my laptop.

It's snowing today and the view is much the same except the snow has been removed from the feeding board running along the porch railing. Instead of snow, it's loaded with sunflower seeds being enjoyed by several dozen birds, mostly cardinals.

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