Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday Wings - Cardinal Fledglings

While some of the birds have left for their migration South, the Cardinals are just finishing their second brood.

No need for them to hurry. They don't migrate. They hang around all winter looking gorgeous in the snow and chowing down on black oiler sunflower seed at our feeders.

We had over a dozen nesting pair this year.

As soon as the young leave the nest they are brought to the feeder for us to point at and laugh.

This may be the first day out of the nest for this young male. He still has some pin feathers.

The beauty he will be in the future is hard to imagine at this stage.

This young male is showing some pretty red spots.

He's gobbling down sunflower seeds so fast he has one on top of his beak.

Almost there.

If he keeps eating those nutritious sunflower seeds, he'll be handsomely red before the first snowfall.

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