Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Doggy Summer Thoughts

Now that we've reached the hot and humid part of summer, each dog deals with it in their own doggy way.

Glory, the twelve year old sixty pound lab mix, runs out the door to stand in the cold running water of the creek.

Once she's wet, she's comfortable for a nice walk in the field. Especially if the blackberries are ripe.

She prefers to have me pick the berries and feed them to her, but if I have my hands full she nibbles them right off the stalk.

Sunny, the seven year old sixteen pound Papillon-Terrier-Poodle-Something-that-herds mix, thinks going into the water is the craziest thing she's ever seen.

It might be cool, but it's way too wet.

Pappy, the ten(?) year old fourteen pound Papillon, is not afraid to express his opinion of days when the temperature goes over 90 degrees.

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