Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thirteenth Annual Louise Lunch

The four generations of women with the middle name Louise met for lunch in May 1996 to celebrate Mother's Day and Heather's (Louise Three) birthday. Kimmy (Louise Four) was a baby, so it was Heather's first Mother's Day as a mother.

We didn't know we were starting a family tradition, but after a few years we formalized it with the name "Louise Lunch".

This year we lunched at Ruby Tuesday in Battle Creek, home of the two youngest Louises and about 45 miles east of where I live.

I picked up Mom (Louise One) on the way East. She had on her Federer (champion Swiss tennis player) tee and asked me to post a picture of it on my blog so Cousin Jurg in Switzerland can see it.

Who can refuse a Mother's Day request from their Mother? Not me! So here it is. Hi Jurg!

Mom wears tee shirts to dance class and before last Christmas mentioned that she'd like a few more. We were all grateful to learn of something she really wanted and we've had fun filling her closet with tees.

At Louise Lunch today she collected two more tees, this one labeling her the best grandma ever and a pretty pink "Simply the Best Mom" tee from me.

I'm Louise Two.

For Mother's Day I received this very soft, pretty lavender tee because, "You like purple and flowers." Yes, I do. And I especially love them when they come with hugs and kisses from Heather (Louise Three) and Kimmy (Louise Four).

This shirt will always be worn with happy memories of the Thirteenth Annual Louise Lunch.

Daughter Heather Louise had a big birthday last week. One of those years ending in zero. We won't talk about which one.

She loved her Black Monkey Socks. Even as a non-knitter she recognized the stitch pattern as something special.

She also received an Elysian Trumpet tee. The Elysian Trumpet was hand built by her Uncle Dave to commemorate Irvin Mayfield, Sr. and all of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. President Bush has declared it a "Cultural Treasure".

Kimmy (Louise Four) isn't a mother and doesn't have a birthday until October, but she always gets a little something anyway. Isn't that what Grandmas do?

Today she got some twinkling star shaped ear studs to help fill her many ear piercings. She also got lots of hugs from Grandma, me.

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