Saturday, March 29, 2008

Notes on Early Spring

Normally we have a few spring teaser days in March where the temperature soars above 60. We all rush outside without a jacket to start working in the yard only to find the ground is still frozen.

So far this March in what seems to be the endless cold and snow, that hasn't happened. But 60 degrees may happen Monday, the last day of the month.

Day temperatures have been going above freezing. Little by little the snow is disappearing. There are still some glaciers in shady areas and in piles where the plows stacked it up.

During winter the male Gold Finches are a drab grayish color. It's always a joy to watch them change back to their bright gold color in the spring.

These are my early daffodils, a line called "February Gold".

No one in Michigan expects daffodils to bloom in February, but some years they do flower the first week of April. Looks like it will be the second week of April this year.

Mrs. Mallard duck is taking a bath in the pond.

Since our pond is spring fed, it never ices over thick enough to to walk on. It thaws quickly when the temperatures go above freezing, attracting ducks (nice) and geese (not nice).

Glory is doing a great job as "goose dog". She loves to chase the geese and is so happy that we think it's a good thing for her to do. She's not afraid to go into the water if necessary - or even if it's not necessary.

There are mute swans nesting down the road a ways. If they stop by, we need to be careful that Glory doesn't try to chase them off. I'm not sure she would win that battle.

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