Friday, March 14, 2008

Happiness Is Family and Bluebirds

My brother Dave is visiting the area. His trumpet company is in Oregon. Although he travels the world for his business, he rarely gets back to Kalamazoo where he grew up. It's always a special treat when he does.

Today four generations of family had a nice lunch at Clara's On The River in Battle Creek. That's brother Dave in the back. Our Mom is in front in the blue "Papillon Grandma" shirt. My daughter Heather is on the left with her daughter, my granddaugher, Kimmy on the right. (Kimmy's shirt says, "The Drama Starts Here.")

Yesterday when the dogs and I walked out into the field, there they were - male and female bluebird sitting in a small tree near the bluebird nestbox.

This is a quick picture from far away. As the dogs charged forward, the bluebirds flew off, back into the taller trees. But they're here and they're thinking bluebird love.

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