Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's Snowing in SW Michigan

The National Weather Service forecast for today was 80% chance of snow with 1 to 3 inches possible.

When I woke up this morning there was heavy snow, little visibility, and the sky was heavy and dark with clouds. We ended up with about eight inches of new stuff(conservative guess).

We have "exceeded expectations", a favorite management phrase from my days in corporate America.

Sometimes when Lake Effect Snow starts, it doesn’t know to stop when weather forecast goals are met.

Fortunately I have no place I need to go - no yarn to pick up in Kalamazoo, cupboards are filled with people food and dog food, there is 50 pounds of sunflower seeds out in my trunk. As long as the power stays on and we stay healthy, all is well and cozy.

This weather pretty much guarantees peace and solitude.

The snowplow went by and piled up snow along the side of the road and we haven't done a bit of shoveling yet. I don't think they're going to be able to deliver the mail today.

Wonder how we're staying warm? Check out Alwen's post The Skinny Person's Guide to Staying Warm. She lives and blogs somewhere not too far from me and calls it "SW Outer Nowhere, Michigan, United States". Her post applies to everyone, not just skinny people.

I endorse everything she suggests except for the mittens. I use thick lined gloves with a nylon outer shell. They're still clumsy, but I like the finger independence of gloves better than mittens.

Pappy is happy to have his fluffy winter coat. (There is a thin dog under all that fluff.) It's fun to hop through the snow.

Still, when the snow is higher than his one remaining private part, he enjoys coming in and guarding the knitting.

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