Saturday, December 08, 2007

Very Purple Yarn Order

I've been away from home for a few days. Very little knitting, end weaving, or anything else has been done. As soon as I catch up on my sleep things will be back to normal. Or, as back to normal as things can be with only 17 days until Christmas.

Knowing that Autumn Song is on the last few hours before being wearable, I gave myself orders for my Thursday trip to Kalamazoo - Stop dithering around and get some yarn for the She Said Aran even if you have to special order it!

With that mission firmly in mind, I stopped at Handweavers Inspiring Yarn Shop, a small shop that carrys Cascade 220. There was nothing there in any shade of purple. I asked to see the Cascade 220 sample book, picked out the brightest shade of medium purple, ordered 10 skeins, and came home empty handed but happy.

The yarn isn't expected until the first week in January. What to do until then? I'm sure I can think of something once I catch up on my sleep.

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