Friday, November 09, 2007

What I Did On My Idaho Vacation

I went Trick or Treating with Sydney the Bunny and her mom and dad.

Anne's sister Marta stayed home to pass out candy.

I played in the leaves.

(Thank you Anne for coming out and taking the picture.)

I played Hide and Seek.

I laughed at Son John.

(The shirt reads, "My Mom Says I'm Special.")

Also, I met Linda who blogs at The Bead Knitter Gallery for lunch at Michael D's in Coeur d'Alene. After lunch she took me to Harmony Yarn, the Coeur d'Alene yarn shop, where we both bought sock yarn.

We had cameras but were so busy yakking we forgot to take pictures. Guess we'll have to do that next time I'm in Idaho. I'm looking forward to it.

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