Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Autumn Song Sleeve - First Attempt

Here's a close up of the Autumn Song sleeve filler pattern. It doesn't match anything in the body of the sweater.

The gorgeous stitch patterns are what make this sweater special. I couldn't wimp out by replacing it with seed stitch.

After last weeks whining about keeping track of a 26 stitch lace pattern while doing sleeve increases, I settled in with a couple pieces of graph paper and charted out both sides of the sleeve. Once it was done, the knitting was almost mindless, and this unblocked sleeve is the result.

Looks like it's going to be too short, doesn't it? I'm almost afraid to baste it in and check it out.

It is a drop saddle sleeve. I do have short arms. I am prepared to knit a long cuff. It could be OK. If not, I'm almost prepared to knit two more sleeves when this one doesn't work.

Pattern: Herbstlied (Autumn Song) from New Style of Heirloom Knitting.

Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, 100% wool.

Color: Firecracker heather

Needles: Options #5.

Gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch, 8.4 rows/inch in pattern

Click on the label Herbstlied at the end of this post to see all posts on this blog mentioning Herbstlied.

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