Saturday, September 01, 2007

Nothing About Knitting

September 1 finds me behind in almost everything, large and small, and wondering where the summer went. There has been no knitting this week and blogging has been a bit sparse as well.

Some things are much more important than others, such as getting together with granddaughter Kimmy on the last week of her summer vacation.

She's a little apprehensive about starting middle school Tuesday - new school system, new friends. Those who know her know she won't have any trouble making new friends and finding her way around. I predict she'll be feeling confident by Friday.

Daughter-in-Law Anne sent me the sweetest email including a note from two year old Granddaughter Sydney: "nhgl". Sydney says that means "I lug you."

I'm working up my courage to book another flight to Idaho on Northwest Airlines, the airline most likely to cancel flights because they are incapable of scheduling their personnel. The last two trips taken I got home a day later than scheduled. Will they make it three in a row?

Dave, my very talented brother who makes trumpets in Oregon, has recently been in the news with the Elysian Trumpet, a gold and jeweled work of acoustical and artistic beauty dedicated to the memory of Irvin Mayfield, Sr. and all of the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

If you have interests in metal working, design, or New Orleans Jazz, you'll want to look it over.

Yesterday I woke up to the sounds of DING DING DING and RUMBLE RUMBLE. It was time to replace the culvert on our East property line.

We had a great view of the process out the east window and spent most of the day watching while cuddling nervous dogs. It's not done yet. Thankfully the dogs have three days of quiet to catch up on their sleep before the racket starts up again on Tuesday.

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