Sunday, September 16, 2007

Autumn Song and Early Frost

Frost was waiting out in the field for today's early morning dog walk.

This has been a weird weather year - a late spring with hardly any rain, a summer long drought, a tree flattening wind storm, and now frost in September.

October is the month when we in SW Michigan expect our first frost. October! Hear that, Mr. Frost Fairy?

Now go away for a few more weeks. I still have hostas to transplant and I can't see where they are if they've been frosted to the ground.

Mystery Stole 3 is done but not blocked.

I'm down to one project, Autumn Song.

There are six oak leaves up the front and six oak leaves up the back. The back (shown) is on the fifth leaf. The front, identical to the back, is on the third leaf.

I'm setting the back aside until the front catches up. Then, before I can go on, I need to figure out how the front and back narrow to the neck.

Pattern: Herbstlied (Autumn Song) from New Style of Heirloom Knitting.

Yarn: Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, 100% wool.

Color: Firecracker heather

Needles: Options #5.

Gauge: 5.5 stitches/inch, 8.4 rows/inch in pattern

Click on the label Herbstlied at the end of this post to see all posts on this blog mentioning Herbstlied.

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