Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday Sky and Stuff

Once again it's a beautiful summer day in SW Michigan, sunny and hot - mid 80s.

Temperatures are forecast for the mid 90s next week. Not my favorite weather but not unusual for this time of year.

We long for a good, soaking rain here, but it isn't going to happen soon. Just now I went to check out the 5 day forecast to see if there was any mention of future rain. There wasn't.

The creek is the lowest since we moved here 16 years ago.

I've been transplanting many plants because of the destruction of our shady frontage. This is not a good time of year to be moving perennials. That plus the lack of rain explains why they're all looking sad in their new homes. I'm hoping most will just die back for this year and come up again for a new start in 2008.

Even some of the weeds are looking bedraggled.

Sympathy to the area farmers. Their problems are much more serious than wilting perennials and brown grass.

An exception to the botany blues are the Rose of Sharon bushes. They're blooming more abundantly than normal this year thanks to their long tap roots and our high water table.

In the background are a couple of big old oak trees. We may have lost two oaks to the road widening, but we still have plenty left on the rest of the property.

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