Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ready For the Next Clue

What's more difficult to photograph than unblocked lace? How about black unblocked lace?

Mystery Stole 3, Clue 4 is done.

I'm so looking forward to Clue 5 on Friday. That's when we'll find out the theme as well as the reason we were instructed to put a life line in Row 287, a right side row.

It's my first life line ever, but I was afraid not to do it since we don't know its purpose.

When I make mistakes in my lace knitting I frog back to a right side row and then tink down to the wrong side row, finding that much less bothersome than fiddling with lifelines. If I ever knit "real lace" without a plain wrong side row, I will bite the bullet and install lifelines.

The complete tip of my stole can be seen here along with the details of the project.

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