Thursday, July 05, 2007

Home . . .

. . . and slowly returning to normal.

Did you know that when Northwest Airlines moves a 9:15 pm flight to 6:30 the next morning, the flight is classified as "delayed" and not "cancelled"? And that "delayed" passengers get corrected when they use the word "cancelled" within hearing of NWA personnel?

The trip home took 24 hours, including 4 hours of complimentary sleep at the Mall of America Ramada and miles and miles of airport walking.

Let's just sum up by saying I've been feeling my age for the past few days and then lighten things up with some Sydney pictures.

Two year old Sydney remembered me from the last trip and didn't waste any time being shy.

She also doesn't waste any time doing nothing, even if it's only blowing spit bubbles while deciding what to do next.

Sydney loves the water and swimming lessons with her mom.

Sydney loves music and dancing with her dad. Sometimes she even goes upside down.

My favorite - quiet time reading books.

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