Saturday, June 16, 2007

Not As Planned

It's been hot and humid for the past week. Temps over 90F/32C. That's about 10 degrees hotter than normal for this time of year. Usually this heat happens in July and/or August, not June.

According to the weatherman, it's going to continue this way until mid next week.

We're hunkered down trying to stay cool. Actually, cool is impossible but we can manage comfortable if we work at it.

I have several outdoor projects that are getting no activity, and I'm not doing much housework, either. There will be cooler days ahead to work on these things.

Early Thursday morning Glory got her stitches taken out. First she chased all the chipmunks and squirrels back to their hide outs, then she went for a dip in the creek. It was a great day.

When the little dogs and I got home from doggy school that evening, I noticed a pink fluid on the hall floor. Glory? Yes, she had licked away what the vet assistant called granulation and I called scab. Her incision was raw looking and seeping fluid.

So, back in the tee shirt. (Those light spots on her are sunbeams.)

Friday morning it was back to the vet. Nothing serious, it's just going to take more time. And, while it's taking more time, estimated to be a week, there is tee shirt, twice a day antibiotic, restriction to leash, and no creek.

Not as planned. The no creek part is the hardest. Did I mention it's very hot here?

This is a very long story involving many frustrating hours. I'll summarize the long, middle of the story into one sentence to make it fit for blogging.

The Beginning:
Three weeks ago I decided to create a pretty violet header for my blog and switch to Blogger "layout" mode so I could use some of the newest features, including having a picture in my header.

Being a former IT professional and understanding the concept of testing things before going live, I converted my old blog, Seasons of Violet that has almost no readers, to see if it would all work.

It worked great. The header was lovely, the new colors were attractive, and I was excited. Then, I reinstalled Haloscan comments and the header disappeared. Totally.

The Middle: Long afternoon of fiddling around to try and find someway it would work, finally ending up leaving a support request on the Haloscan forum.

The End: Still no answer from Haloscan, although other Blogger/Haloscan users have done a "me too" to my problem, so I know I'm not alone.

Seasons of Violet remains converted. Haloscan comments are working but there is no pretty violet picture in the header. Not as planned.

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