Monday, June 25, 2007

Doggy Chat

Click on pictures for more detail.

Pappy has his rodent hunting partner back.

Glory is out of the tee shirt and back to her normal activities - wading in the creek and rodent chasing. In fact, she happily has a wet belly in this picture.

This is her good side. She asked me not to show her shaved side.

Some people think they know more about my dogs than I do.

The story you are about to read is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent PWDL (Person Who Doesn't Listen).

Conversation with PWDL two weeks ago:

  • PWDL - Looks like Sunny (left in picture) got a new haircut.

  • Me - She hasn't had a haircut. Her coat is thin and we don't have it cut. She looks like she has less hair because she's six pounds slimmer than last time you saw her.

  • PWDL - It's great that Sunny's lost weight and I like her new haircut.

Conversation with PWDL one week ago:

  • PWDL - Oh, Pappy's lost weight!

  • Me - Pappy still weighs the same. He has a short, summer haircut. It makes him look slimmer.

  • PWDL - No, I can tell. He lost weight.

  • Me, as I grab dogs to go find someone sane to talk with - Well, he did lose several pounds of hair.

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