Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bluebirds At Last

Click on pictures to embiggen.

I've been seeing bluebirds like this beautiful female around all spring.

Until this week, they've all chosen to reject my nest boxes and raise their families in one of the multitude of natural cavities in the area.

I've missed having them. To be truthful, my feelings have been a little hurt.

Finally, this week, an intelligent pair of bluebirds claimed the nest box (on the right) paired with the occupied Tree Swallow box (on the left).

Both the male and the female are busy bringing dry grass and building a nest. The female in the picture is probably not the same female in the earlier picture above.

The picture was taken from 50 feet (guessing) away with a zoom lens, so the perspective is off. The nest boxes are about fourteen feet apart in a clear area. The zooming makes it appear they are closer together and in a stand of trees.

In return for a predator protected nest box, the intelligent bluebird pair has agreed that I may occasionally open the nest box and take a picture of their progress.

This is what they have done since yesterday.

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